Monday, March 30, 2020

Bears all things

Lectio: Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Meditatio: A few years ago, a nasty rumor was going around town about someone that I know. A few weeks later she announced her pregnancy and there was speculation as to whether her husband was the father. I couldn't believe that the very people this person trusted were accusing her of an affair and saying her husband wasn't the father. Especially when we all knew the struggle behind the pregnancy. One day at the gym, I was faced with the rumor. I looked at the woman telling me the latest gossip and said "This friend let you live with her for 9 months and this is how you treat her? HOW DARE YOU!" I was protecting, covering my friend instead of gossiping about her. I was bearing her judgement from others--just as Jesus bore our sins. 
Major English Bible versions translate the term protects (stego) very differently from one another. The word can mean “to endure” or “to cover, protect.” If Paul had in mind the concept of endurance, he meant that love bears with many offenses and does not stop loving even under the strain of difficulties imposed by others, even going so far as to love enemies (Luke 6:27). If he had in mind the concept of covering, then he may have meant that love will not seek to expose the sins of others. Love handles the sins of others in ways that will not bring exposure or shame.

Oratio: Father, give us your eyes to see others as you do. Help us to bear the things that need bearing and to help us love them. 

Contemplatio: Have you ever had a situation like the one mentioned above where someone you knew was the subject of gossip? Would that have hurt the person's reputation? Did you stop to help that person even without them knowing? 

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