Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Love does not Brag

I have decided to write my lectio a bit different this time around. From here on out, I will be writing what I hear from God as I read the scripture. God still has me in 1 Corinthians 13:4; let's begin with prayer.

Opening Prayer: Speak, O Lord, Your servant is listening. Speak to me through your words, that I may understand and learn how to better serve You and Your people.

Lectio: 1 Corinthians 13:4 (NCV)
Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous, doesn't brag and love is not proud. 
Love doesn't brag. How often have you bragged about your education, about all you hav learned and all you think others should know? Not everyone is in the same place. Not everyone has to have an education. Some of my best ministers have been those who study my word and my word alone. This is not to ay that education is not a good thing, but like many other things it can be used wrongly.

Being a braggart hurts the ministry. I have called you too. It must stop for ministry to be effective. My love was humble, it called the "least of these" to come and know me--they had no education--mere fishermen--they didn't brag about their backgrounds, instead they rejoiced that they had come to know the Master and they became fishers of men's souls. Do no brag about your righteousness; instead live it. You have heard it said that it is easier to preach 1000 sermons, than it is to live just one.

Oratio: Father, help me to continue to hear your voice; to become humble like the fishermen you called on the banks of the Sea of Galilee and to remember that love does not boast about the good it has done in the world. May I continue to grow in love. In Jesus' Name, Amen

Contemplatio: Where can you show humility and love today? In what parts of your life do you brag about achievements; how can you change your need to brag about your achievements?

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