Thursday, March 26, 2020

No Joy in Evil

Opening Prayer: Speak O Lord, your servant listens...

Lectio: 1 Corinthians 13:6 Love takes no pleasure in evil but rejoices over the truth.

Meditatio: How long have my people taken pleasure in evil? How often do they call unrighteousness, righteousness? It seems that they have lost their way; they have lost sight of me. They must put their focus on me, and they must not waiver in their faith. There is already a great falling away because of what my people see as right--they have brought along teachers that tickle their ears but don't teach what they need to hear. My people must bend their knee, they must bow down and prostrate themselves before me, I hear the prayers of a contrite heart and I heal a wounded spirit. You sing a song about brokenness being better than a hallelujah and it's true, come to me broken and I will heal you. Do not rejoice in evil, run from it. 

Oratio: God help us to see what is evil in your sight, give us spirits of discernment to run from evil, to flee from sin as from the serpent. Let us bow before you with contrite hearts and wounded spirits that you may heal us and heal our land. 

Contemplatio: Do you call evil good? Do you call sin, okay? 

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